Thursday, February 01, 2007

Power-ful software! :)

Okay, I know, enough with the bad puns! :) This week I created my very first interactive Powerpoint quiz. Although I enjoyed learning some new strategies in Powerpoint -- especially Action buttons, I don't know how often I will use a Powerpoint quiz. Because I do not have student computers in my classroom, it would mean I would have to take my classes to a computer lab. The only time I think it would be VERY valuable is to use a Powerpoint quiz when I am already planning on going to the computer lab. It would be a very good activity to have students complete when they were done with their other computer lab work. I used sound effects for the correct and incorrect answer slides, but I don't know if I would do that in "real life" because I would hate to advertise to the rest of the class a student getting an incorrect answer.

My favorite way to quickly quiz students using technology is using the CPS system. I love it - although it takes some time at the beginning to set up the classes and a procedure for handing out and collecting the "clickers," it is time well spent.


Amy said...

Hi Courtney!
The CPS system sounds great. Does it record student repsonses as well? I bet the students love that. A friend of mine told me about a similary system she uses by another name. I would love to use something like that to assess my students. I teach elementary music and have 40 minute class periods. That would be a quick way to assess. Is it very expensive?

Anonymous said...

I was quite interested in your comments about CPS. I was wondering what exactly it was. I followed the link but I am still unsure of what it is and what are the things that you can do with it. On another blog I really liked that you put in all the links for the streaming video. I have gone to some and plan to check out more. That would be a very useful tool to use.
Kimberly Jackson

Debbie L. Kirkley said...

Glad you decided to work with something challenging and different in Powerpoint. The quiz in this activity is really designed to be put on a computer station so it could be used in a 1-2 computer classroom. It could be a station where students go when they are finished other work. It is not meant to be a graded quiz, just a self-test to help students master the concept or knowledge being taught. Also, it is highly recommended that all computers have headphones so that the sound is only heard by the user. :o)