Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Excel-lent software!

Okay, so I have to admit - I hate Excel. It isn't because it isn't useful, it is. I would consider myself very computer literate, yet I have stayed away from learning too much about Excel. Why? It reminds me of numbers and accounting -- all the columns and rows. It makes me think of math, and as an self-proclaimed "English person" there is no room in my life for things that seem to be only good for math! :)

But I learned something very important - Excel is especially for the math impaired. With a click of a button you can add up a whole column (or row) of numbers! Presto! Now, that is as far as I have gotten, because all the other formulas remind me of Algebra and that just isn't fun for me.
Baby steps . . .

1 comment:

Debbie L. Kirkley said...

I like how you use the term, 'baby steps.' That is how all software should be learned - one step at a time.

Hang in there - you'll see that there are some cool things you can do with Excel that don't pertain to mathematics. :o)