Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Laptop Luxury

Okay, so I know I'm like at least 5 years behind, but I just got a laptop. I am so excited! I have entered the "real world" - the one where I can leave home and still have access to information. I continue to be amazed at people who haven't caught up with technology. I actually know people who do not have a computer or a cell phone. I guess they get by just fine, but I can't imagine life without these "necessities." How do they find their spouse in Wal-mart if they can't call them?!?! :) I think it is funny how my students must see these people. I can actually fathom the ability to live without technology, but I am sure that they find that to be a completely foreign concept. More than the ways of finding information or completing daily tasks, technology has changed our way of thinking about the world, and the upcoming generations view it so much differently than even I do, although I am just the generation before them.


sunnylibrary said...

Two years ago my husband and I purchased new laptops. One for each of us (can you tell we're both only children!). With me in school and him doing sales we can't live without the two. We first had dial up and then went to wireless. We absolutely love it! I love how we can both sit on the couch and be two dorks watching TV and be on our computers at the same time. I never envisioned that but absolutely love it. We're no longer stuck in the computer room doing our work we can go anywhere in the house. Being on the porch doing your homework on a spring day is the best!

Our next big purchase is going to be IPODs. He wants the one with the TV and I want the IPOD cell phone when it comes out in June. I keep telling my husband that's going to be my graduation present this summer!

sunnylibrary said...

Ok now I'm really annoyed! I just wrote you a long comment and it got lost. So we'll try again.

Two years ago my husband and I purchased two laptops. One for each of us! We absolutely love them and use them all the time. We first had dial up and now wireless and love it. I like sitting on the couch at night with my laptop. I also love going on the porch on a spring day and doing my homework outside.

I think we're going to purchase IPODs next.