Sunday, March 11, 2007

WebCT is kicking my butt!

Okay, so this "side trip" for EME5208 is supposed to be easier than the main assignments, however, this WebCT assignment is really starting to frustrate me. I thought it would be rather straightforward, but it is really difficult trying to figure out the system! I really hate to have to go through and read the manual - I would much rather work with the program to figure it out and then go to a manual/tutorial for specific topics that I can't figure out. I am really frustrated and don't know if I am going to figure it out. I've figured out what I want on each page, but can't figure out how to get it there! And today, I tried to work with it and it kept giving me error messages and wouldn't let me upload files or add any content. AUGHGHHGHGHGH!!!!! I guess I thought it would be more user-friendly (like blogger).

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