Monday, February 12, 2007

Digital Images

I have always been a photography buff - I took photography in high school and learned darkroom techniques. I take pictures by the dozens and scrapbooking is a major hobby of mine. However, up until this week, I haven't done much with digital editing of pictures other than the basic cropping, removing redeye, and autocorrect features on digital editing programs. My husband is a Photoshop wizard, and when anything needed more than the very basic editing, I deferred it to him. I still wouldn't call myself an expert, but I have learned some pretty interesting things this week! I experimented with both Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Digital Images. Although Photoshop seemed to have a few more features, Microsoft Digital Images was by far easier for me to use. I especially liked that I learned how to stitch together pictures to create a panoramic picture -- I will keep that in mind on my next vacation! I also LOVED Microsoft Photo Story. What a great way to compile a group of pictures and put it to music. I will DEFINITELY use that often!

1 comment:

dmn5208 said...

You may not call yourself an expert, but I sure am impressed with the photo you posted! Wow! Digital Photo Editing is really something else these days. Now whenever I see a picture, the first thing I ask myself is, "Could that be for real?" Regardless, it is indeed a new form of art that is a lot of fun and has endless possibilities.