Sunday, January 14, 2007

Troubleshooting Reflection

I often find that I have problems with my computer. Although I would consider myself to be pretty tech-savvy for a regular person (meaning not a computer tech), there are many things I don't know. I am very lucky to be married to a "computer guy." My husband actually builds and fixes computers for a living. Usually I don't have to go very far for help, and unfortunately my frustration often gets transferred from the computer problem to my husband very quickly!

The last time I had a major problem with my computer was with iTunes. I find that, although I love my iPod, running a Mac program on a PC doesn't always work out well. When my husband rebuilt/updated my computer the last time, the speakers started buzzing/hissing when playing music through iTunes. At first we thought it was the speakers, and we actually replaced them. Even with new speakers, the hissing noise continued. I gave up completely, and my husband continued to work with the issue. He discovered that it only made the horrible noise through iTunes. If I played music through another media player, it played fine.

Not wanting to give up my iTunes, I begged for a solution. We reinstalled iTunes -- it didn't work. Finally, he UNinstalled all of versions of the iTunes software, including Quicktime, and completed a "clean install." This, finally, worked. I learned that sometimes just clicking to update a software isn't always the best thing to do.

Patience is the key when working with computers (and people for that matter). Because I am not naturally a patient person, I don't do well when faced with a computer glitch. However, I believe that stepping back and trying to take the most simple steps to fix it is the best way to alleviate computer-problem stress. Also, once you realize that it is beyond your expertise or ability, you have to get help - even if it just means you increase your own knowledge about the issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds exactly like what happened to me. See my blog about updating the version of Office. At least you did not have to reinstall all of your software. It is funny how Mac's can be easier to fix even when you are using their software on a PC. I want to get one soon, I just need to wait because they are still too expensive. Then again, you get what you pay for!