Monday, October 16, 2006

Introduction / Blogs in education

I am a graduate student pursuing a master's degree in Educational Media through the University of Central Florida. Currently, I am taking Technologies of Instruction and Information Management. Because I am relatively young (depends on who you ask), I feel pretty "up-to-date" on many new technologies. However, I feel like I am following behind some creative educators who have figured out ways to use these innovative technologies in the classroom. I really want to be on the cutting edge of technology as a teacher, and as a media specialist I will have to not only be on the cutting edge, but also help other educators learn and use new technologies so that they can be on the cutting edge.

This online class has been in a seminar format, and it has been a totally new learning experience for me. I have taken seminar classes before, but to combine that with an online experience has been interesting. Our first topic was blogs. Each student wrote a paper about a different aspect of the use of blogs in education. I learned so many valuable things about blogs and how they can be used in the classroom. Blogs can be used as an assessment tool, as a way to discuss problems/issues outside of the classroom setting, and even for literature circles. In the works is the publication of our papers in the FAME journal -- Florida Media Quarterly -- in the summer of 2007.

Please tell me if you have used blogs successfully in an educational setting. I teach high school English, and I want to try to use a blog in some format after Christmas. I am open to any and all suggestions!

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