Thursday, March 13, 2008

Intelligent musings . . .

and (maybe not surprisingly) they aren't mine! :) I LOVE what Will Richardson has to say about talking with students about how they use technology. . . and incorporating it into education. I understand that you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but it is important for educators to realize that THE WORLD IS CHANGING whether you agree with the changes or not, and rules such as the cell phone rules are so antiquated and don't take into account that nearly all high school students have cell phones (as do all the teachers, administrators, and everyone else in the American workplace).

In my county, a student can get three days of in-school suspension for just having their cell phone out and visible. . . even though many of them use their phones to check the time, since they cannot read the clock on the wall! It is very interesting . . . even though I don't want students texting in my class, in this day and age, that isn't much different than passing notes.

Like it or not, technological advancements in communication are changing many things in our society . . . unfortunately, education isn't that great at keeping up!

1 comment:

Will Richardson said...

Thanks for reading and for adding to the discussion. Three days suspension teaches them what, exactly? Imagine if those same rules were applied to the workplace!


Will R.