Tuesday, March 20, 2007

WebCT Woes

So I think a dream might be crushed for me -- I always thought that eventually I would work teaching online classes - perhaps in a virtual high school. However, after continuing to attempt to complete the online course assignment, I am not sure if that will ever happen. I know that I am not the most technology-savvy, but I am so incredibly frustrated. I know that I am a good teacher, but it takes such a different style and thought process to plan an online course. Now I know that my enjoyment of my online courses for my Master's degree has not come from thin air, but from the hard work and dedication of the professors. This is the first assignment that has frustrated me to this level and that I am not sure I will be able to complete. As an over-achiever, the fact that I cannot complete this assignment easily is the most frustrating thing of all. I know that I have a tendency to make things more difficult than they actually are, and I am hoping this is the case right now. However, to be completely honest, I'm almost ready to give up. I think I will take a break and hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow! :)


Anonymous said...

Courtney, do not give up. I tell my students never shut down when facing a challenge. If you pull the ostrich sticking its head in the sand everytime you run into problems, then you will always fail. Look at the assignment from another view point. Stop and comeback a little later on. I find that taking a break from it when I am frustrated allows me to see it in a different perspective. I have not worked on the WebCT project yet. It will be my last assignment. I am saving it for after graduate exams this weekend.

There is nothing wrong with being an over-achiever. It is when you become an over crtizier of your own work is when you feel frustrated. So take a deep breath, relax, grab a drink, and try again. You will be okay in the end.

Bear Paw said...

Hey Courtney.

Hang in there!! We all have our learning curves. You must be really smart to have just now hit your frustration threshhold of wanting to quit!!

I know how you feel, and I have been at that point of wanting to quit many times. Try to remember how you work through your frustration so that you can help your students when they are ready to give up. You will be able to better relate with them.

I'm sure you'll do fine working through your frustration and figuring out your project. Push through your frustration - your dreams are on the other side. Don't give up!!


Avid Reader said...

Courtney, I feel your pain. I am very frustrated with the technology because it just does not come easy for me. I hear other people talk about creating a website and how easy it was--then I try and do it and it is a nightmare! I finally finished my page and even though it is quite amateur I feel good that I accomplished it. You can do it too! I am not sure what assignment is getting you down but I agree with edteck, don't give up! We are almost finished!
Gina Bray

Debbie L. Kirkley said...

Courtney, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Everything I've seen so far is great!

I wouldn't give up hope of teaching online just yet. Most schools will offer you more training than this module. There is only so much that can be put into one module. At UCF, faculty go through a 9 week course to learn about teaching online. Like anything else, it takes time and practice. :o)