First of all, picnik - as a photo editing software, it is user-friendly, fun, and definitely worth knowing about! Here was my first picnik "project":

Picnik also has suggestions for using the software in the classroom! I love it when technology reaches out to education! The picnik blog also has a recent post about using picnik for back to school projects!
#2 - Animoto - Now, to be honest, I haven't actually created my own show, but I have looked at some others - I am impressed! Also, it is FREE for educators!!!! I am so excited about this one and definitely will be using this with my students this year!
Finally, one that I have known about for a long time, but haven't used, and that is Pandora. This is something that you don't understand the awesomeness of until you have actually used it! This is one that is blocked at my school, I'm assuming it is blocked because of the streaming music.
So, my fellow educators - what are some other sites that are "must-knows" for use in the classroom???
1 comment:
I teach 3rd grade and we use photostory and audacity quite a bit. Both are free downloads and are extremely user-friendly!
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