Thursday, October 18, 2007

Menial media

It is amazing how many media center tasks are just little menial tasks that you never think about -- at least I didn't! This morning when I was in the media center during my planning period, there were two computers not working. After rebooting both, one started working again. I was trying to troubleshoot the problem, and then one of the media specialists saw that Limewire had been downloaded onto the computer. We tried to uninstall it, but then had to leave before the entire process had been finished.

After school, the media specialists were responsible for wheeling a projector down to the theatre for use during the faculty meeting, and then back to the conference room to set up for a meeting that will be in the morning. I am a little anxious, as much of this type of work includes setting up large projector screens, and I don't think I would be able to physically do that!

Anyway, it was exciting to begin to have some practice with technology troubleshooting issues!

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